Next Scheduled Meeting of this Committee:
Date: April 3rd, 6.30 PM
Location: Fifth Avenue Committee, 621 Degraw, Community Room
Agenda: TBD
Summary from March 14th 2014 Meeting:
Agenda of March 14th 2014 Meeting (same as February 13):
8:30 – 8:45 AM: Member Updates
- Website report (content updates, translation features, committee posts, training sessions)
- Discussion of web support needs and request to EPA
- Ariel – Materials report (Timeline, additional fact sheets, children’s material?)
- Ariel – Report out on last CAG meeting – Bridging Gowanus connection and letters
- Sabine – Video report
- Other Updates – TBD
8:45 – 9:15 AM Tagline and Logo Discussion
- Louis/Maryann – Assess proposals received for tag lines/logos
- Is there one we like in particular?
- What elements of the submissions do we like?
- How would we recommend modifying the tag line or logo based on what we like?
9:15 – 9:45 AM Possible Community Outreach Efforts
- Sabine – Discuss outreach strategies in the community for 2014
- What events and meetings do we think we need in 2014?
- Sabine – Possible request to Nydia Velazquez and Judith Enck for a community update meeting this Spring at Wyckoff
9:45 – 10:00 AM: Other Business
- Set Next O&E meeting date
- Quarterly Community Outreach meeting
- Action items?
Meeting Participants, March 14, 2014
CAG Members (*indicates Committee member)
Sabine Aronowsky*
George Fiala *
Natalie Loney (EPA)
Katia Kelly *
Ariel Krasnow*
Eric McClure *
Lizzie Olesker*
Terri Thomson (Nat’l Grid)
Mary Ann Young (CORD alternate)
Website content, support and request to EPA:
The group briefly discussed the approach for posting and developing materials for the website and what content was ready and available in the dropbox and spoke with Natalie Loney of the EPA about the opportunity to have a CAG webmaster intern. Natalie advised that the existing TASC order allowed for Patrick or a junior staffer to provide web support and that the group needed to define the level of support desired (technical, content or design).
The group discussion broadened into a conversation about EPA specific content versus a more informed community presentation of upcoming meetings (i.e. Bridging Gowanus) and information related to the Gowanus cleanup (TedEx, Resiliency, SHPO, Lightstone, Nat’l Grid). Natalie’s TedEx talk was mentioned as an excellent resource to post as a “Superfund 101” resource.
Action: A proposal will be put forward at the next full CAG meeting for a vote on the scope of content to be included on the CAG website and calendar moving forward once website support resources are identified. The O&E committee will draft language for a disclaimer and a set of criteria to be used in weighing what material will be posted (i.e. limit to Government sponsored events) along with examples. Ariel & Lizzie will circulate to O&E committee and then present to general CAG on March 25th.
CAG Tagline and Logo Discussion:
We received logos from George Fiala, Linda Mariano, and Ariel. A tagline, written by George, and a logo designed by Ariel were selected as our official CAG Tagline and Logo. The logo is the image on the CAG timeline document designed by Ariel and the tagline will read “Gowanus Community Advisory Group: Your local voice for Superfund.” Additional comments on the logo are still welcome.

Community Outreach Efforts (Outstanding from February 13th meeting)
Meeting Locations: The group discussed the need to have the full CAG meeting calendar mapped out with locations through the end of the year and suggested Wyckoff Gardens, Michio Center and Good Shepard Services school on Conover street be considered for quarterly meeting locations, with Mary Star of the Sea being the anchor monthly meeting location. We also discussed the upcoming Bridging Gowanus meeting at Wyckoff Gardens and the desire to not have two meetings in the same week overlap at the same location.
Action: Sabine to reach out to Charlene Nimmons about process and availability for booking Wyckoff Gardens for a Spring and Fall CAG meeting and John McGettrick to inquire about Michio Center process and availability.
Elected Representatives: Given the new administration in place, the group felt it was important to reach out to all of our Elected Representatives to ensure they remain or become engaged in the Superfund clean-up process and have assigned staff to attend meetings and receive email updates.
Action: Josh to draft generic letter for use. Ariel to contact Carlos Menchaca, Brad Lander. Sabine to contact Steve Levin. Lizzie to contact Joan Millman. We also need to assign someone to contact the Borough Presidents office.
Organizational outreach: The group discussed more targeted outreach to local organizations that are not on the CAG to encourage them to consider becoming organizational members or attending meetings as member’s of the police.
Action: Josh to contact PSCC and FOFA. John to contact RHI. Sabine to contact Diaspora Community Services.
New Action: With the spring season approaching the group discussed the need to have an informational pamphlet or handout ready for tabling and events, etc. There is also the sign, courtesy of Nat Grid, that Sabine has at FAC which will be laminated for use at events.
Nomination for Gowanus Canal Historic District: The O&E Committee would like to ask that NYS Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation office (aka SHPO) be asked to present on the Gowanus Historic District nomination at the April 22nd meeting. O&E views this as an opportunity to do outreach to the local property owners to encourage them to become more involved with the CAG along with the opportunity for the public and the CAG to learn more about the proposed designation.
Action: Ariel is going to touch base with CB6 and Lizzie will touch base with FROGG and hopefully they can provide contacts for Doug to reach out to, to see if it is possible to have a presentation on April 22nd.
Next Scheduled Meeting of this Committee: The O&E group also rescheduled the next O&E committee meeting to the evening of April 3rd to avoid conflict with the DEP Green Infrastructure Grant meeting on March 27th.