Posted by & filed under Outreach.

Next Scheduled Meeting of this Committee:­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­

Date: TBD

Location: TBD

Agenda: Discuss feedback from the CAG meeting; discuss outreach strategies for non-active members, information distribution processes, and potential outreach event ideas; make updates to the website


Summary from June 27th 2014 Meeting:

Agenda of June 27th 2014 Meeting:

8:30 – 9:00 AM: Debrief of CAG Meeting

  • Discuss outreach to non-active members
  • Discuss additional follow-up items


9:00 – 9:15 AM: Discuss Follow-up on Resolutions (attached)

  • Discuss status, finalization, and dissemination of recent resolutions developed by the CAG


9:15 – 9:30 AM: Updating Distribution Lists (attached)

  • Review the attached distribution lists and discuss any additions or changes.


9:30 – 9:55 AM: Scope of Web Content and Web Working Session

  • Upload available documentation to the website and make other web updates.


9:55 – 10:00 AM: Other Business

  • Set Next O&E meeting date
  • Action items?


Meeting Participants, June 27, 2014

Participants (*indicates Committee member)

Stefan Doering*
Ariel Krasnow*
Eric McClure*
Terri Thomson (Nat’l Grid)
Pat Tallarico (Facilitator)


Outreach to Non-active CAG Members:

The group discussed the suggestion made by Sabine to reach out to non-active CAG members based on the results of the recent membership survey. Sabine did some initial outreach to some of the public housing community representatives. They indicated that they did not have much time to participate in regular monthly CAG meetings and had more pressing concerns. They did express interest in continuing to receive information. The group discussed the possibility of either forming a sub-committee of the outreach committee to ensure that their voices are included or to have individual O&E members reach out to each housing community (e.g., attend one of their regular tenant meetings) on a quarterly basis to share information. The group agreed to follow up with Sabine at the next O&E meeting about reaching out to public housing representatives.

The group also discussed having future CAG meetings in locations that are more accessible to these representatives and agreed to have a future CAG meeting at Wykoff.

Action: The committee will discuss outreach to public housing representatives at the next O&E Committee meeting.

Action: Pat will request the room reservation request form for Wykoff from Sabine so that Doug can schedule a future CAG meeting there.

The group also reviewed the list of other CAG members who did not respond to the membership survey. Participants agreed to follow up with specific representatives or organizations as noted below:

  • Ariel will contact Beth Bingham, Eymund (re becoming the Dredgers representative in place of William Duke & Ray Howell), Nathan (to confirm his status), Christine Gaspar, Pratt (will contact Rita)
  • Eric will contact Park Slope Civic Council
  • Sabine already contacted representatives from the public housing communities

Some of the members who have not responded are, in fact, active, including: Buddy Scotto, Bette Stoltz, Betty Lester, John McGettrick. The group will discuss the results of their outreach at the next meeting.


Outreach Email Lists:

The group discussed the outreach lists. In terms of general dissemination of information, the group asked about whether the big email distribution list was still being used. Pat indicated that Doug did have the list in addition to the members list. The group suggested using the big list more to include announcements about meetings and resolutions as a way to generate interest among a broader group of people.

The group noted in particular that some of the people that had good technical backgrounds are no longer engaged. The group suggested a possible way to generate interest from new members was to share information about the CAG in local newsletters along with a call for individuals with particular expertise (e.g., technical) to get involved.

The group also noted that there was some confusion about the new TAG grant that was awarded to FROGG and mentioned at the full CAG meeting. They suggested that Natalie discuss that at the next meeting.

Action: Pat will ask Doug to add Terri to the Members distribution list so she stays informed about meetings.

Action: Pat will talk to Doug about adding a discussion of the TAG at the next CAG meeting and talk to Doug about the status and use of the full distribution list.

Thank You Note to Commissioner Lloyd

Action: Ariel will work with Katia to get the thank you note out.

Posting Materials to the Website

The group discussed materials to be posted to the website. In particular, they noted that Resolution 1 was passed by the CAG at the full CAG meeting and it should be posted. The group also agreed to post the letter from EPA to the City and the City’s response as context for the resolution. The group worked on posting those items during the meeting.

The group also wondered if the minutes from the full CAG are ready to post.

Action: Pat will work with Doug to determine if the Resolution 1 will go out as a press release and, if so, should include a reference to Commissioner Lloyd’s visit.

Action: Pat will coordinate with Doug and send the final CAG summaries to the committee for posting.

Press and Public Official Distribution Lists:

The group provided the following updates to the Press and Public Official Distribution lists:

  • Add Emily Lloyd’s information and the other people that came with her to the meeting.
  • Add Hannah Holland as the new constituent director for Brad Lander’s office. She replaces Emma.
  • Charles Schumer should be changed to Senator and his contact added (Terri will provide)
  • The real governor should be added to the list
  • Correct Menchaca’s email
  • Correct spelling of Jonathan Viguers’ name in his email
  • Add Community Board 6 contact info (Ariel will send)
  • Brooklyn Paper new contact is Noah Hurowitz (
  • Add Eric Adams, Brooklyn Borough President
  • New York 1 should be added.
  • Correct spelling of Lisa Bloodgood’s name

Action: Pat will update the list.

Action: Members should provide Pat with information they have.

Other Items:

The group discussed two other suggestions:

  • Do outreach through the Food Co-op. For example, buy an ad in the semi-monthly newsletter, write an article in their paper, invite people to come to a meeting, or do an event in October time frame and promote it in various ways to members/non-members. Action: Eric and Stefan will look into this.
  • Do videos of our Congress people and politicians speaking about the concerns about the canal. Perhaps look through existing footage and post key statements or develop some original content. This could include remarks from CAG members as well. Action: The group will discuss this idea with Sabine who may have ideas about how this could be done given her video background.

Next Meeting:

The group agreed to do a poll to assess the timing of the next meeting. They agreed it would be best to have it soon after the full CAG meeting. Action: Pat will do a doodle poll.


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