At its March, 2016 general meeting, the Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group passed the following resolution, originally proposed by the CAG’s Land Use Committee, on the proposed siting of the retention tank, head house, and related facilities at the north end of the Gowanus Canal.
Whereas the United States Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] and the New York City Department of Environmental Protection [DEP] are currently discussing the siting of a retention tank, head house, and related facilities [the Facilities] at one or more of the following properties: 234 Butler Street, 242 Nevins Street, the Thomas Greene Park, or other directly adjacent properties;
Whereas the siting and installation of the Facilities are directly impacted by the planned coal tar remediation of the former site of the Fulton Manufactured Gas Plant;
Whereas the proposed solutions presented by the EPA and DEP to date contemplate a timeline of four to ten years to complete the construction of the Facilities, depending on their location and possible acquisition of private property; and
Whereas the coal tar remediation and location of the Facilities will potentially displace a vital community resource currently provided at the Thomas Greene Park for an undetermined length of time; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, that the EPA Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group [CAG]:
1. urges the EPA and the DEP to undertake a transparent process in the ongoing discussions prior to reaching an agreement so that the CAG may understand the mitigating factors affecting a final agreement;
2. urges the EPA and DEP to reach an agreement that does not compromise any remedies that have been installed prior to the installation of the Facilities;
3. urges the EPA and DEP to reach an agreement that adheres as close as possible to the schedule proposed in the EPA’s Record of Decision;
4. urges the EPA and DEP to reach an agreement that does not require acquiring privately-owned land by exercise of the power of eminent domain in New York State;
5. urges the EPA, National Grid, and New York City to develop a solution that guarantees no loss of the vital community resource at the Thomas Greene Playground and Pool by constructing a temporary facility that is acceptable to the community and is operational before remediation and construction of the Facilities; and
6. urges the DEP, National Grid, and New York City to include the planning, design, and development of a year-round community resource that, at the minimum, meets the programming, active, and passive recreational activities currently provided at the Thomas Greene Playground and Pool.
To see past resolutions passed by the Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group, click here.