Did you miss the April 25 EPA hearing on the draft settlement agreement with New York City for siting of the CSO retention tank at the head of the Gowanus Canal? You can watch the entirety of the EPA’s presentation, and comments made in response to it by members of the public, below.
The video is also available at the Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group’s YouTube page.
[Disclaimer: The contents of this video, and other videos posted on the Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group’s YouTube page, are provided for informational purposes only and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the CAG. We make no representations as to the accuracy of the information contained therein.]
To read more about the draft settlement agreement, please click here.
The EPA is accepting public comments on the terms of the agreement until May 31. You can submit comments by mail or email to:
Walter Mugdan, U.S. EPA Superfund Director
290 Broadway, Floor 19
New York, N.Y., 10007