Posted by & filed under Committee Meetings, Frontpage, Outreach.

The Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group’s Outreach Committee met on Friday, October 14, at 8:30 a.m., at the offices of the Fifth Avenue Committee, at 621 Degraw Street. The agenda included discussion of choosing future meeting dates and times to best accommodate all Committee members, brainstorming the future of the Outreach Committee, and discussion of key initiatives for outreach to the broader community.
Committee Members Present
Sabine Aronowsky
Eric McClure
CAG Member (non-Committee)
Louis Kleinman
Natalie Loney, EPA
Terri Thompson, National Grid
Sabine will create a Doodle poll for future best meeting dates and times.
Participation on the committee has been poor; nearly 20 people are listed as Outreach members, but attendance has been in the low single digits.  Eric will check attendance rules for committees vs. full CAG [follow-up: Attendance rules are the same; attendance at 50% of committee meetings is required.  Given that standard, most Outreach Committee members have failed to meet their attendance obligation.]
People have a limited capacity to help; assigning tasks might be the best approach.
The Admin Committee should crack down a bit on non-active members, both at-large and organizational members. There should be more coordination between Admin and Outreach to communicate with CAG members about attendance.

Sabine suggested that we hold a re-orientation at every September meeting to get people back on the same page.  Are there summary materials that could be distributed? To this end, could EPA do a recap at the November general meeting? Outreach could communicate to the broader community about the November update if we schedule that.

Should we invite the new Brooklyn Parks Commissioner to the November CAG meeting?
Are we at the membership cap for the full CAG? If there are CAG openings, where are the gaps?  Are there neighborhoods or communities that are underrepresented?  Outreach can explore filling those gaps, perhaps in partnership with Admin.
CAG Outreach and Timeline Flyer: Louis suggested that the flyer is too wordy.  Streamline it: CAG was formed in 2010, collects concerns from the community, etc. Should be distributed to Community Board Six, especially the waterfront committee, elected officials, community groups.
Natalie will confirm if the information on the CAG Timeline is still accurate.
Every organizational CAG member needs to be distributing notices and materials.  How do we hold them to account

Fourth Street Basin work

Will begin October 24, or shortly thereafter.  Debris removal in preparation for dredging.  It’s okay to communicate now with larger community (via the CAG website & Twitter feed).
EPA will be present at the kickoff to do outreach on-site.
Critical for Outreach Committee to be involved.  EPA would like attendance from CAG members, and help in communicating what’s going on.

EPA will issue a press advisory and will have a fact sheet.

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