Posted by & filed under Committee Meetings, Frontpage, Land Use.

The Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group’s Land Use Committee met on Tuesday, February 7, 2017, in the offices of the Gowanus Canal Conservancy at 543 Union Street.

Committee Members present: David Briggs, Rafael Gomez de Luna, Katia Kelly, Andrea Parker, Peter Reich, Buddy Scotto

Guests: Terri Thomson, National Grid

Item 1

October 4, 2016 and November 1, 2016 meeting minutes approved via email.


None required.

Item 2

Mission statement was discussed and finalized for full committee review.


Dave will circulate.

Item 3

Andrea reported that the NOAA, US Fish & Wildlife, and NYS DEC are presenting at the March CAG meeting. They are the trustees of the Natural Resource Damages Assessment that takes place at the end of a Superfund clean up.


None required.

Item 4

The committee discussed developing a map of potential canal sites where ecological restoration could take place at its next meeting in March.


Andrea will provide background map for the March committee meeting.

Item 5

The committee discussed the height of the new bulkheads. It was agreed that advocating for higher bulkheads is best handled through the rezoning process that is currently underway. Katia shared that Councilmember Lander promised a hydrology study, which would help us evaluate possible bulkhead configurations.


Andrea will follow up with Councilmember Lander’s office.

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