Posted by & filed under Committee Meetings, Frontpage, Land Use.

The Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group’s Land Use Committee met on Tuesday, July 9, 2019, at the offices of the Gowanus Canal Conservancy, at 543 Union Street.

CAG Members present:

David Briggs
Andrea Parker
Peter Reich


Terri Thomson, National Grid

Item 1

Peter asked if the committee could develop a targeted vision for the north end of the canal (Phase I of the cleanup). There is concern that the scope of the zoning and the remediation covers a large area and is very complex. If the CAG proposes a vision for a subdistrict, it could serve as a template for the entire area.


Some of this was already explored with the North Gowanus Canal Visioning Group. All agreed that developing consensus at the CAG is a challenge given the myriad perspectives. Topic will be further discussed at the next Land Use Committee meeting in September.

Item 2

Terri suggested that the CAG will benefit if each organization and at-large member gives a short presentation about why they are on the CAG at a monthly meeting.


All agreed that this is an excellent idea. Dave will reach out to Doug and Natalie.

Item 3

Andrea pointed out that the NRD process for restoring damaged ecosystems should be revisited.


All agreed that this is important. Andrea suggested inviting Carl Alderson and other trustees to a future Land Use Committee meeting.

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