The Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group’s Land Use Committee met on Tuesday, October 15, 2019, at the offices of the Gowanus Canal Conservancy, at 543 Union Street.
CAG Members present:
David Briggs
Katia Kelly
Andrea Parker
Peter Reich
Brad Vogel
Maryann Young
Steve Marcus
Item 1
Review of 2016-2019 Land Use Committee resolutions.
For resolutions where it appears that no response or action was taken by recipient(s), resend resolutions with request for a formal response.
Item 2
PRP representative. It is unclear if the PRPs, except for National Grid, each have individual representatives or a group representative.
Request list of PRPs from EPA and request their representative(s) to attend at least one CAG meeting each year.
Item 3
DEP feedback on tunnel decision. Dave relayed conversation with Kevin Clarke of DEP about the community’s reaction to the EPA’s decision regarding the retention tunnel. Dave asked Kevin to forward DEP’s formal response to Doug Sarno for distribution to the CAG. During the conversation, Dave pointed out that he could not speak on behalf of the CAG, but suggested that if the DEP is seeking CAG support for the tunnel, then:
- the DEP should consider committing to either saving the Butler Street building in its entirety or relocating it completely intact nearby,
- DEP should emphasize that the tunnel solution will result in a better public park next to the head house,
- the CSO retention system can be expanded in the future, and
- DEP should demonstrate how the energy requirements for pushing the CSOs back up to the sewer system are part of an overall sustainable approach.
It was decided that the committee would not make any recommendations regarding the EPA’s decision.