Posted by & filed under Committee Meetings, Frontpage, Land Use.

The Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group’s Land Use Committee met via Zoom conference on Tuesday, September 8, 2020.

CAG Members present:

David Briggs
Louis Kleinman
Steve Marcus
Andrea Parker
Peter Reich
Brad Vogel
Sue Wolfe
Maryann Young


Terri Thomson (National Grid)

Open Items:

Item 1

5th Street turning basin (carried over from August meeting). The current draft of the resolution was reviewed with a discussion on who would pay for the construction and maintenance of the new bulkheads.


Revisions were approved. Andrea and Brad will finalize the language and submit it for a vote at the September CAG meeting.

Item 2

Gowanuslands presentation for new park at Public Place. Dave voiced his objections to the committee’s August decision to invite Gowanuslands for a CAG presentation. In Dave’s opinion, the proposed park is outside the purview of the CAG, since it does not propose any Superfund remediation strategies.


None required.

New Items:

Item 1

Public Place clean up. There was an extensive discussion on the recent changes to DEC’s clean up protocol which were not shared in John Miller’s July presentation to the CAG. How and why has the remediation changed? How will the change impact future development of the site? Are the former Fulton (Thomas Greene Park) and Citizen (Public Place) MGP sites being treated differently?


Andrea will invite John Miller to answer these questions at the next CAG meeting.

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