Posted by & filed under Admin, Committee Meetings, Frontpage.

The Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group’s Admin Committee met via Zoom conference on Monday, November 30th, at 10:00 a.m.

Committee members attending:
Katia Kelly
Rita Miller

Margaret Maugenest (who has expressed an interest to join the committee, this marking her first meeting)

1) Discussion regarding new member applications

There were nine (9) applications submitted over the last several months.
Three applicants were asked via email to provide more information and resubmit – as of today none of them replied. Admin will make one more attempt today to reach out to them [NOTE: REQUESTS SENT OUT TODAY]

Of the remaining six (6) Admin submitted their comments to the general CAG but no action was taken by the group as of yet

One of the six, a gentleman representing an upstate marine engineering firm, was not recommended by Admin for approval

The remaining five (5) were recommended for approval.

Since then, we have recently received two (2) additional applications – one from a former, founding CAG member who is ready to return, and one from a local Gowanus Dredger. They both wish to join as at large members. Admin recommends both of these two new applicants for approval.

In order to expedite all of these applications, Admin is asking that each application be circulated to each CAG member for review (via an email sent by our Facilitator), requesting that we forego the interview process, and requesting that the CAG express their approval or not of Admin’s recommendations of applicant group. If this can be done by the December meeting, great – if not, then the January meeting for sure. [NOTE: DOUG HAS CIRCULATED APPLICATIONS TODAY]

2) Admin proposes to relinquish its role as the new applicant recipient and reviewer. Since the process originates in Outreach and they are the more appropriate branch of the CAG for this activity, all recommendations or not should come from Outreach to be voted upon afterward by the entire body.

Admin will continue to be responsible for the yearly membership survey, attendance review and subsequent membership-standing recommendations (with the exception so far of this year), as well as continue to serve as Charter interpreter, Charter change-request recipient, and reviewer. As always, all Admin recommendations are advisory only. All Charter activity will continue to be ultimately decided upon by the entire CAG.

3) A query/concern was voiced regarding Section 5.4 of the Charter regarding conflict of interest. Admin will verbally reclarify that paragraph and its relationship to CAG Resolutions at general meeting.

4) Next Admin Committee meeting is scheduled for January 5, 2021, at 10 a.m. Zoom information to follow.

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