Posted by & filed under Committee Meetings, Frontpage, Land Use.

The Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group’s Land Use Committee met via Zoom conference on Tuesday, November 10, 2020.

CAG Members present:

Paul Basile
David Briggs
Marlene Donnelly
Katia Kelly
Louis Kleinman
Hildegaard Link
Steve Marcus
Margaret Maugenest

Rita Miller
Amy Motzny
Andrea Parker
Peter Reich
Brad Vogel
Sue Wolfe
Maryann Young


Martin Bisi
Owen Foote
Terri Thomson (National Grid)

Open Items:

Item 1

Brad inquired if reduced NYC budget will impact DEP’s headhouse design and construction cost.


DEP has stated in its correspondence with EPA that the city’s budget constraints are impacting the allocated funds and schedule for the retention tank facilities. EPA, in its July 28 letter to DEP, requested supporting documentation.

Item 2

DEC’s revised cleanup plan of Public Place.


Steve presented a draft resolution that requests EPA review and oversight. After a lengthy discussion, the committee approved the resolution with one dissenting vote. Steve will make some edits and present it at the next CAG meeting.

Item 3

Draft resolution for bulkhead encroachments into canal.


In lieu of a resolution, Brad will draft a letter to EPA with Peter’s assistance that states the following CAG requests: a) a navigable waterway be maintained, and b) if the lost canal surface area due to the new bulkhead encroachments exceeds the new surface area of the restored 1st Street turning basin, then additional canal surface area must be created elsewhere to offset the lost area.

Item 4

Peter’s email regarding suggesting that no permits for large development sites be issued until after both retention tank facilities are operational.


Committee discussed DEP’s Unified Storm Water Rule and how CSOs will be mitigated prior to and after construction of retention tank facilities to meet “Net Zero” goals for new development. Committee unanimously approved Steve’s draft resolution to support EPA’s requests made of DEP in letter from Regional Administrator. Resolution to be presented at next CAG meeting.

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