Posted by & filed under Committee Meetings, Frontpage, Land Use.

The Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group’s Land Use Committee met via Zoom conference on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, at 7 p.m.

CAG Members present:
Paul Basile
David Briggs
Katia Kelly
Louis Kleinman
Hildegaard Link
Steve Marcus

Margaret Maugenest
Andrea Parker
Peter Reich
Brad Vogel
Sue Wolfe
Maryann Young

Jason Brody
Judy Janda (Greenspace Community Garden)
Neeyati Johnson (GCC)
Lynn Neuman (GNCJ)
Terri Thomson (National Grid)
Guy Wedwab (CB6 EWCDH committee member)

Open Items:

Item 1

Draft resolution for bulkhead encroachments into canal.


Brad (and Peter) drafted a letter to EPA that states the following CAG requests: a) a navigable waterway be maintained, and b) if the lost canal surface area due to the new bulkhead encroachments exceeds the new surface area of the restored 1st Street turning basin, then additional canal surface area must be created elsewhere to offset the lost area. All reviewed; Dave suggested three minor edits and attaching photos. Brad will revise and send.

Item 2

Ongoing conversation regarding the new Unified Storm Water Rule and recent construction of Pig’s Beach bulkhead. Andrea shared recent Water Quality/Technical Committee draft resolution.


Katia and Margaret expressed concern that the draft was not discussed at the January 4th Water Quality/Technical Committee meeting and requested that it be discussed in more depth at the next WQ committee meeting. All agreed. Andrea will circulate via email for further review and comment by the Land Use Committee.

New Items:

Item 1

Steve suggested the email address at the bottom of resolutions be changed to Doug Sarno’s email.


Committee will discuss with Doug at next general meeting.

Item 2

Discussion regarding safe access and egress to/from canal. Can CAG mandate improvements?


Andrea pointed out that the new Waterfront Access Plan will address this if Gowanus rezoning is approved.

Comments are closed.