Posted by & filed under Committee Meetings, Frontpage, Outreach.

The Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group’s Outreach Committee met via Zoom on June 12, 2023, from 7:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Members in attendance:
Celeste LeCompte
Joan Salome-Rodriguez
Joseph Alexiou

Terri Thomson
Aaron Kaufman


Committee Leadership & Goals

  • Committee needs new leadership
  • Focus for current moment is on raising awareness about the CAG public meetings
  • Challenges around aligning on what gets communicated from the full CAG as the CAG

Press List Development

April Notes: Joan has time to dig into this and can start to create a list of publications, reporters and others who might be good to reach out to with CAG information

  • Celeste shared press list starts that were shared during the Town Hall planning meeting,
  • We could solicit press lists/press contacts from members

Joan assembled a list of current contacts/contact info for local press: Outreach – MEDIA CONTACTS.xlsx

Outreach: Focus on Monthly Meetings

  • Email announcements about upcoming meetings of the full CAG to contacts on this list 
  • Joan to work on posting the monthly meetings on NextDoor, Patch, and Brooklyn Paper
  • Joseph to draft a press notice about the next monthly meeting

Other ideas for future meetings:


  • Website hosting was gifted to the CAG by a former member who left when he ran for office. Eric stepped into the role of managing the CAG website. Current challenge is not on updating as much as on content to be shared. Will revisit after the group meeting this month.

In-Person Events

  • Need materials for in-person events
  • Need Volunteers

Onboarding New Members

  • Terri suggested onboarding as another potential area of work for the Outreach Committee: could show the background video of Natalie’s TEDx talk and have someone from each committee + EPA technical team give a briefing as an orientation.  

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