The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) has published a fact sheet and opened a public comment period for the proposed remediation of the site known as 125 Third Street in Gowanus.
NYSDEC states that, based on the findings of its investigation in consultation with the New York State Department of Health, it has determined that the site does not pose a significant threat to public health or the environment. NYSDEC reports that its decision is based on the nature of the existing contaminants identified at the site, and what it says is the lack of potential for off-site migration of contaminants in the groundwater.
How to Comment: NYSDEC is accepting written comments about the proposed Draft Remedial Action Work Plan (RAWP) through August 18, 2023.
You can access the RAWP and other project documents online through the DECinfo Locator here:
Documents also are available at Carroll Gardens branch of the Brooklyn Public Library, and at the Community Board 6 district office.
Comments and questions are welcome and can be directed as follows:
Project-Related Questions
Meghan Medwid, Project Manager
625 Broadway
Albany, NY 12233
(518) 402-8610
Project-Related Health Questions
Steven Berninger
Corning Tower Room 1787
(518) 402-0443
You can access the Fact Sheet for 125 Third Street here.