In-Canal Update
- Supplemental dredging near the flushing tunnel to remove recently deposited debris is ongoing
- Work began on May 9th
- Work is anticipated to be completed by the end of July which will allow for reactivation of the Flushing Tunnel
- NAPL was discovered in the Flushing Tunnel, but the source is uncertain
- The Trust is monitoring dissolved oxygen levels which have decreased as water temperatures have increased
- Grouting of the armor mats in this area is being conducted concurrently as areas are dredged
- Carroll Street Bridge
- 65% design for repair work is anticipated to be submitted this week for review by the Trust
- Final design is expected later this summer
- RTA 2 Construction
- Began on June 20th with the probing of bulkheads to check for potential obstructions
- Bulkhead design completion and coordination with property owners is ongoing
- Bulkhead support construction will begin in September
- Access dredging will begin this week (anticipated June 25th) and will remove a significant amount of debris from within the turning basins
CSO Retention Tank Update
Red Hook Tank
- Perimeter wall is approximately 90% complete
- 104 of 116 panels have been excavated and concreted as of June 21st (see attached figure)
- Work is anticipated to be completed in July
- Next phase of work anticipated to begin in fall 2024
Owl’s Head Tank
- Demolition of buildings south of 5th Street began on May 21st
- Building demolitions are complete, slab demolitions are ongoing
- Below ground tank construction work began on June 24th
- Initial activities will include geotechnical and environmental borings and is expected to last approximately two months
- Followed by start of slurry wall installation
- A temporary salt shed has been constructed on the property
- Construction of a new, permanent salt shed will begin by end of this week and will continue through October