In-Canal Update
- Supplemental dredging near the flushing tunnel to remove recently deposited debris and for grout placement between the armor mats is ongoing.
- Work began on May 9th and is anticipated to be completed in the next day or two.
- The flushing tunnel is tentatively scheduled to be reactivated for 24 hours this Wednesday, July 24th, to improve visibility for the diving team to inspect the flushing tunnel. In addition, to ensure that the material that has been placed in the canal near the flushing tunnel is not disturbed when the flushing tunnel is turned on, the temporary start up and shutdown will allow an inspection to determine if that is the case (the inspections cannot be performed while the flushing tunnel is on).
- The flushing tunnel will be shut down for approximately one week to allow for final inspections, gravel placement, and NAPL monitoring. If there are no issues identified, the flushing tunnel will be permanently reactivated at the end of next week or the beginning of the week of August 5th.
- Carroll Street Bridge
- Draft design for repair work was submitted by NYCDOT on June 30th for review by the Trust.
- Final design is expected later this summer.
- RTA 2 Construction
- Began on June 20th with the probing of bulkheads to check for potential obstructions.
- Bulkhead design completion and coordination with property owners is ongoing.
- Bulkhead support construction will begin in September.
- Access dredging is currently underway in the 7th Street turning basin.
CSO Retention Tank Update
Red Hook Tank
- Perimeter wall is approximately 98% complete
- 114 of 116 panels have been excavated and concreted as of July 19th (see attached figure).
- Excavation work is anticipated to be completed by the end of this week.
- Personnel will continue to use the current work schedule 6am to 2am, Monday through Friday.
- CAMP monitoring will continue and results posted to the NYCDEP website daily.
- Next phase of work, full tank excavation, anticipated to begin in fall 2024.
Owl’s Head Tank
- Demolition of buildings south of 5th Street was performed from May 21st to June 6th.
- Below ground tank construction work began on June 24th.
- Initial activities include geotechnical and environmental borings and is expected to last approximately two months.
- Followed by start of slurry wall installation.
- A temporary salt shed has been constructed on the property
- Construction of a new, permanent salt shed began on June 28th and will continue through October.
Combined Sewer Overflow Tank Milestones