Posted by & filed under Admin, Committee Meetings, Frontpage.

The Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group’s Admin Committee met via zoom on August 8, 2024.


Jerry Armer
Louis Kleinman
Katia Kelly

* Joan Salome-Rodriguez was unable to log in due to technical difficulties, but was briefed by Katia immediately afterward.

Rita Miller of CORD and alternate Maryann Young are currently on a leave of absence.

The Admin Committee reviewed two recent CAG membership applications. The applicants are:

Christian Schilhab for 420 Carroll Apartment Community, and Ayo Shanti for World Water Hub.

The Admin Committee issued the following opinion:

It was decided to send Ayo Shanti’s application to the full CAG for an interview and subsequent vote at the next general meeting.

It was also decided that Katia would contact Christian Schilhab on behalf of the Committee to ask for a clarification on his application.

The committee also briefly spoke about the need for a new membership survey and considered the possibility of October for a survey. 

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