Attendees: Joan Salome-Rodriguez, Terri Thompson, Richard Lawrence, Susan Yung, Aaron Kaufman, Erica Eliason, Linda LaViolette, Corinne Brenner.
Agenda was simple – review the petition to reclassify the waters of the Gowanus from SD to SC (fishable/swimmable).
We went over the document word for word and Joan then sent a complete version to the full CAG for review prior to the next General Meeting on September 24 so the CAG can vote on the resolution to send the petition to the DEC.
Next meeting – the committee will begin a new resolution (again) seeking a hydrology study and holistic approach to the sources and migration of pollution in the Gowanus area.
Request whether DEC is requiring access-and-egress ladders from the canal or some other method for rescue if necessary.
Corinne is reaching out to FloodNet to see if they can give a presentation to the committee.
Action Items:
- Linda to look for prior hydrology study requests
- Outreach to Flood Net
- Draft letter inquiry re ladders
- Send resolution to full CAG (done right after the meeting).