Posted by & filed under Committee Meetings, Frontpage, Land Use, Manufactured Gas Plants, Upland Sites.


CAG Members: Diane Buxbaum, Hildegaard Link, Peter Reich, Joan Salome-Rodrguez, Susan Yung, Katia Kelly, Lisa Bowstead

Guests: Brian Carr, Alex Gregor, Aaron Kaufman, Theo Hirsch

The Committee discussed the following: 

– Gowanus neighborhood air monitoring done by NYCDEP and the request for EPA & NYCDEP to release the complete results to the community.

– Lisa’s draft letter to our elected officials regarding a Community meeting.

– The status of National Grid’s lawsuit and their Dispute Resolution with NYSDEC’s request for additional work to be done at the former Citizens MGP Works site.

– The status of NYSDEC’s access to Citizens Parcel 4.

– Whole Foods bulkhead

– Thomas Greene Park

There were a number of other issues discussed, details of which can be found in the recording linked below.

Here’s a link to the recording of the meeting:


– Lisa will be distributing her draft letter regarding the Community meeting.

– Hildegaard will be drafting a suggested Participatory Modeling process. 

– Lisa will be distributing a draft letter to DEC regarding Parcel 4.

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