Attendees: Steve Marcus – Facilitator, Louis Kleinman, Katia Kelly, Hildegaard Link, Andrea Parker, Erica Eliason, Linda Laviolette, Peter Reich, Lisa Bowstead, Diane Buxbaum, Susan Yung & Joan Salome-Rodriguez
Guests: Terri Thomson, Aaron Kaufman, Alex Gregor & Oscar Fock
We discussed the following:
1) Timeline of EPA’s remediation of Thomas Greene Park and DD Pool.
Andrea has volunteered to reach out to EPA on behalf of the Committee for more details.
2) Lisa’s draft letter to John Price.
It was decided to hold off until we have more information.
3) Follow up with Aaron Fischer regarding the committee’s 11/13/24 “follow up” questions.
It was suggested that Steve reach out to Aaron directly.
4) Discussion regarding a recent CB6 meeting
It was suggested that Lisa share her work with the Nevins/Sackett Street neighbors with the folks at CB6.
5) NYSDEC proposed rules changes for the Brownfield Program
It was suggested that we reach out to DEC for more details and Steve will draft and circulate an email asking for more information.
6) Discussion regarding inviting Dr. Smith to our February Land Use Committee meeting.
It was agreed that we would like to extend an invitation to Dr. Smith for our next Committee meeting and, it was also agreed that we should submit questions to her in advance that the Committee would like addressed. Hildegaard sent out a google doc for all of us to submit questions.
7) Hildegaard shared with the Committee the draft regarding “Wellness and Nuisance Odors.”
Please check your email for this draft and please give Erica and Hildegaard your feedback.
8) Hildegaard has kindly offered the help of her students for any Land Use Committee-related work.
Please refer to Hildegaard’s email for more information.