Minutes of the September 15, 2023 Meeting of the Gowanus Canal CAG Administrative Committee

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The Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group’s Administrative Committee met via Zoom conference on Friday, September 15, at 3:00 p.m. Committee members attending:Katia KellyLouis KleinmanRita Miller The committee discussed five membership applications submitted between 2019 and 2021. These applicants will be contacted by Admin to see if they are still interested in CAG membership. If any… Read more »

NYS DEC Community Update, September 2023

Posted by & filed under Fact Sheets, Frontpage, NYS DEC, Remediation Work, Upland Sites.

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has issued a new community update regarding Brownfield and State Superfund cleanup activities around the Gowanus Canal. The update includes information on a public availability session that NYS DEC and the NYS Department of Health will hold on the evening of October 3rd, and details on plans… Read more »

NYSDEC Response to CAG Questions Regarding Coal Tar Migration, Air Monitoring, a Hydrology Study, and more

Posted by & filed under Frontpage, Land Use, Manufactured Gas Plants, NYS DEC.

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation issued a response to the Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group last month to a letter sent in March by the CAG’s Land Use Committee requesting more information on a number of topics, including the migration and dangers of coal tar beneath the Gowanus Canal and nearby sites,… Read more »

EPA Takes Steps to Address Low Dissolved Oxygen Levels in Gowanus Canal While Flushing Tunnel is Offline

Posted by & filed under EPA Updates, Frontpage, Water Quality & Technical.

EPA Region 2’s Joel Singerman sent the following note to the Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group today regarding efforts to address low dissolved oxygen levels in the canal while the flushing tunnel is not operating. “In an effort to alleviate the low dissolved oxygen (DO) levels in the upper portion of the canal during CSO… Read more »

Letter to NYSDEC Requesting Indoor Air-Monitoring Equipment for Buildings Near Gowanus Canal State Brownfield and Superfund Sites

Posted by & filed under Frontpage, Land Use, NYS DEC.

Following our July General Meeting, the Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group wrote to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation requesting that the state provide indoor air-monitoring equipment to all buildings near the 49 State Brownfield and Superfund sites along the Gowanus Canal. You can read our letter to NYSDEC here.

EPA Appoints Three New Remedial Project Managers to Supervise Gowanus Canal Superfund Cleanup

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Following the retirement of long-time Gowanus Canal Remedial Project Manager Christos Tsiamis in June, EPA Region 2 has announced the appointment of three individuals to succeed him in supervising the Superfund cleanup of the Gowanus Canal. Victoria Sacks, Mark Granger, and Tom Mongelli, all experienced hands at EPA, will jointly oversee the Canal’s ongoing remediation…. Read more »

Missed our July General Meeting? You can view video recordings of all our recent meetings on our Vimeo page.

Posted by & filed under EPA Updates, Frontpage, General Meetings.

If you were unable to join us on Zoom for our July 2023 general meeting, you can view the video recording of the meeting – as well as recordings of all of our general meetings since April, 2020 – on our Vimeo page. Just visit vimeo.com/showcase/gowanuscag and click on any of the videos to view the recording… Read more »

NYSDEC Fact Sheet and Public Comment Period for Third Street Gowanus Site (125 Third Street)

Posted by & filed under Fact Sheets, Frontpage, NYS DEC, Remediation Work, Upland Sites.

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) has published a fact sheet and opened a public comment period for the proposed remediation of the site known as 125 Third Street in Gowanus. NYSDEC states that, based on the findings of its investigation in consultation with the New York State Department of Health, it… Read more »

Next Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group General Meeting: Tuesday, July 25, 6:30 p.m.

Posted by & filed under EPA Updates, General Meetings.

Please join us for our July 2023 General Meeting, on Tuesday, July 25, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., conducted via Zoom video conference. To attend the meeting, it’s necessary that you register in advance, or when joining the meeting, here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUsde2hrj4jHtLcGerzAVQAdnLz21FOPdup DRAFT AGENDA (all times are approximate) 6:30 – 6:45 p.m.: Welcome and CAG… Read more »

Minutes of the June 12, 2023 Meeting of the Gowanus Canal CAG Outreach Committee

Posted by & filed under Committee Meetings, Frontpage, Outreach.

The Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group’s Outreach Committee met via Zoom on June 12, 2023, from 7:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Members in attendance:Celeste LeCompteJoan Salome-RodriguezJoseph Alexiou Guests:Terri ThomsonAaron Kaufman Agenda Committee Leadership & Goals Committee needs new leadership Focus for current moment is on raising awareness about the CAG public meetings Challenges around aligning… Read more »