Here’s a good explainer from CityLab on Combined Sewer Overflows: how combined sewer systems work, why overflows are so problematic, and simple steps you can take to help reduce CSOs. Does the Gowanus Canal make an appearance? You bet.
Committee: Frontpage
NYC DEP Releases Combined Sewer Overflow Long-Term Control Plan for the Gowanus Canal
The New York City Department of Environmental Protection’s Bureau of Wastewater Treatment has released the Combined Sewer Overflow Long-Term Control Plan for the Gowanus Canal. Click the image below to view a PDF copy of the 265-page report.
NYC DEP Submits Draft CSO Facility Site Recommendation Reports to EPA
The New York City Department of Environmental Protection submitted the Draft CSO Facility Site Recommendation Reports to the EPA last week, for the RH-034 (head-end of the Gowanus Canal) and OH-007 (mid-Canal) sewer outfall retention tanks. The reports explain the DEP’s site recommendations in detail. You can view PDF copies of the reports by clicking… Read more »
A Photographer Finds Abundant Life in and Around the Gowanus Canal
From the July 3, 2015 edition of The New York Times: The photos here are part of an exhibition called “Gowanus Wild,” which will be at the Brooklyn Public Library until Sept. 25. Already they are documents of a vanishing world. Since Mr. Draskoczy started shooting in 2012, most of the sites he photographed… Read more »
NYC DEP Reveals Proposed Sites for Gowanus Canal CSO Retention Tanks
New York City Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Emily Lloyd and NYC Parks Commissioner Mitchell Silver revealed the proposed sites for two large retention tanks intended to reduce combined sewer overflows into the Gowanus Canal at the June meeting of the Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group this past Tuesday evening. The tanks, a remedy ordered… Read more »
Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group Holds June Meeting Tonight
The Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group holds its monthly meeting tonight, June 30th, at 6:30 p.m. at the Mark Star of the Sea Senior Apartments at 41 1st Street in Carroll Gardens. The agenda is as follows: 6:30 – 6:45 PM: Introductions and Updates Introductions Project Updates (EPA) 6:45 – 8:00 PM: Conversation with NYCDEP… Read more »
Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group May Meeting
The Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group holds its May General Meeting this Tuesday, May 26th, at 6:30 p.m., at the Mary Star of The Sea Senior Apartments, 41 1st Street, in Carroll Gardens. The meeting’s draft agenda is as follows: 6:30 – 7:30 PM: Introductions and Updates Introductions Project Updates (EPA) 7:30 PM: CAG Committee Updates… Read more »
NYC DEP Presentation on the CSO Long-Term Control Plan for the Gowanus Canal
On May 14th, the New York City Department of Environmental Protection held a second public meeting on the Gowanus Canal Combined Sewer Overflow Long-Term Control Plan, at P.S. 32 in Carroll Gardens. You can download a copy of NYC DEP’s presentation here. The presentation included updates on completed and planned city investments in water-quality improvements,… Read more »
A Look Inside the Century-Old Gowanus Canal Flushing Tunnel
Ever wonder what the inside of the century-old Gowanus Flushing Tunnel looks like on the inside? Gothamist takes us on a photographic tour. Photo: Steve Duncan, via Gothamist.