Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group Resolution on the Preservation of Marine Habitat at the Head of the Canal

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At its June, 2016 general meeting, the Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group passed the following resolution, originally proposed by the CAG’s Water Quality/Technical Committee: The CAG calls upon the EPA to develop a design solution at the head of the canal that presents no loss of the vital resource of marine habitat in this area as a result of the imposition or construction… Read more »

Next Committee Meetings: Land Use, Tonight, 6:30 pm & Water Quality/Technical, Tonight, 7:00 pm

Posted by & filed under Committee Meetings, Land Use, Water Quality & Technical.

The Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group’s Land Use and Water Quality/Technical Committees will both meet tonight. Here are the details: Land Use Committee Meeting Monday, July 11 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Gowanus Canal Conservancy 543 Union Street (enter via alleyway on Nevins Street) Water Quality/Technical Committee Meeting Monday, July 11 7:00 p.m. to 8:00… Read more »

CAG Resolution Requesting 30-Day Comment Period on CSO Retention Tank Siting Decision

Posted by & filed under CSOs, Frontpage, Resolutions, Sewers, Water Quality & Technical.

At its March, 2016 general meeting, the Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group passed the following resolution, originally proposed by the CAG’s Water Quality/Technical Committee, requesting a 30-day public comment period once the EPA and New York City on the siting of a CSO retention tank and related facilities at the north end of the Gowanus Canal: The… Read more »

Swimmable? Maybe some day. But we’re resolved that Gowanus Canal water quality improves.

Posted by & filed under Frontpage, LTCP, NYC DEP, NYS DEC, Water Quality & Technical.

In light of the second Gowanus Canal swim this year by clean-water activist Christopher Swain, we thought we’d reiterate that the first resolution passed by the Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group, way back in March 2012, was a call to the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYC DEP) and the New York State Department of… Read more »

Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group Resolution on Proposed Remedial Action Plan (Water Quality/Technical Committee Comment)

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The Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group adopted the following resolution at its April, 2013 General Meeting, in regard to the Water Quality/Technical Committee’s comment on the EPA’s Proposed Remedial Action Plan (PRAP) for the Gowanus Canal: As the Proposed Plan establishes methods for removal of contaminated sediments for the entire width and length of the canal,… Read more »

Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group Resolution on Water Classification

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The Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group adopted the following resolution at its March, 2012 General Meeting: The Gowanus Superfund Community Advisory Group hereby resolves that the water of the Gowanus Canal be reclassified from its current industrial standard, which is designated Class-SD. Class-SD only mandates a minimal level of dissolved oxygen be maintained in the… Read more »

Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group Demands that New York City Cooperate with Superfund Cleanup Plans

Posted by & filed under Frontpage, General Meetings, NYC DEP, Water Quality & Technical.

The Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group, at its meeting of June 24, 2014, passed the following resolution: The Gowanus CAG, established by the EPA, which represents a cross section of residents, businesses and civic organizations in and around the Gowanus Canal corridor, demand that New York City as one of the Responsible Parties, as defined… Read more »