The Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group’s Water Quality/Technical Committee met via Zoom conference on Monday, May 4, 2020
Kelsey Butterworth
Katia Kelly
Louis Kleinman
J. Marcus
Steve Marcus
Amy Motzny
Terri Thomson
Maryann Young
Susan Yung
Meeting Notes:
DEC Meeting Coordination for July 28th Meeting:
- Committee looked over the CAG Questions for NYSDEC, NYSDOH, National Grid:
- Committee members are generally in agreement that the list of topics/questions are comprehensive
- There was some concern around future development plans and the list of CAG questions should further inquire about development on contaminated sites post-remediation including: Can you do development on these types of sites? Are there examples of relevant projects that have been completed? How is the floodplain being considered in terms of future development and what are the potential impacts?
- Amy to update list of questions with thematic categories (for organization), add additional questions/concerns, and condense for circulation to general CAG and DEC