Gowanus CAG Administration Committee meeting, January 15, 2020
Held in the Carroll Park Park House.
Ben Jones
Maryann Young
Katia Kelly
Rita Miller (on the phone)
1) The first item on the agenda was to change the language of one proposal to a Charter change previously brought to the full Gowanus CAG.
At the December 2019 meeting, the CAG passed ALL the proposed language changes to the Charter, but wanted us to tighten the language on one point.
Below is the paragraph we need to review. It was felt that the first two points were way too much for committees to realistically implement.
It was suggested that we change the language to “reasonable efforts shall be made for committees to maintain written record of the drafting process” and lose “all relevant discussion and change/edit history.”
It was also suggested that we clarify in the two last points that everything needs to be submitted to the full CAG seven days prior to the upcoming CAG general meeting. I have already edited that in bold.