Gowanus Canal CAG Meeting
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Mary Star of the Sea Senior Apartments, 41 1st Street
CAG Facilitator Doug Sarno opened the meeting at 6:40 p.m. CAG members and guests introduced themselves.
The minutes of the October CAG meeting were approved.
- Waterfront Alliance – Holiday Party Dec. 7, 2016 in office
EPA Updates
Christos Tsiamis, EPA Remedial Project Manager for the Gowanus Canal cleanup, provided the update.
4th Street Turning Basin Pilot Project
EPA has begun the debris removal pilot project near the basin next to the Whole Foods, which will take place for several months. The first phase of the pilot is for larger debris removal, and EPA has successfully removed all of the targets that were previously identified by sonar technology. During the dredging we also found a number of large rocks and some metal that were removed.
Overall, the project was successful from many points of view:
- Able to move within small area of the basin
- EPA took measurements around the basin for air monitoring every few minutes
- No delays once we began the work.
Upon completion, we unloaded debris found in the canal which is still waiting for an assessment to decide if the debris can move off site.
EPA tried to remove sediment at the front portion of the basin – the mouth of the basin that joins the main canal. We dug two feet deep in order to evaluate different types of buckets for dredging the canal. The material that was moved was placed in containers in the canal and transported to Public Place, where it was mixed with cement to stabilize it – mix material to stabilize and determine if it is usable material elsewhere (landfills, etc). We are still reviewing the chemical tests to see if it is suitable for disposal in landfills.