The Gowanus CAG Outreach Committee met on Thursday, April 14, 2016, with discussion focused on continuing development of the CAG’s Communications Plan.
CAG members present: Stefan Doerring, Katia Kelly, Eric McClure, Maryann Young.
Guests: Terri Thomson, National Grid
Review of Outstanding Action Items
The group reviewed the action items from the March meeting. Eric McClure reported that he wasn’t able to reach a solution for including a Google Alert-based RSS feed on the CAG home page, but that Josh Skaller, who created the website, believes it would be relatively easy to do and is willing to help with that. Josh also is willing to update the “Join the CAG” form that’s linked from the home page, and Eric will send him the full form so that he can revise the form on the site.
Eric reported that he had posted the Land Use Committee resolution on CSO tank siting approved at the March CAG meeting to the website, but had not received the Water Quality/Technical Committee resolution requesting that the EPA establish a comment period once a decision is made on the location of the tanks. Maryann responded that she had sent the resolution to Doug Sarno, and shared it via email with Eric (it has subsequently been posted to the website).
The Outreach Committee identified several items to bring to the full CAG for approval at the April general meeting. Read more »