The Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group’s Land Use Committee met on Tuesday, March 1, 2016, in the offices of the Gowanus Canal Conservancy at 543 Union Street.

CAG Members present: David Briggs, Marlene Donnelly, Rafael Gomez de Luna, Katia Kelly, Andrea Parker, Debra Scotto, Mark Shames, Maryann Young

Guests: April Dubison, National Grid

Item 1

There was a brief discussion about the history of the Committee and its purpose. Originally, it was intended to focus on water quality and on whether real estate prices would drop due to the Superfund clean up.


None required.

Item 2

Andrea Parker expressed concern that a Department of Sanitation project is scheduled to begin on the Salt Lot on May 1 and may directly impact the installation of the retention tank project that has been presented by the Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] at community meetings.


The Gowanus Canal Conservancy [GCC] is reaching out to Councilmember Brad Lander for information. Additionally, the Committee could request that the EPA issue a statement that demands the New York City Department of Environmental Protection [DEP] start the retention tank project on the Salt Lot. Read more »

Join the Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group’s Outreach Committee for its monthly meeting on Thursday, April 14, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., at the Fifth Avenue Committee, 621 Degraw Street, in Gowanus.

The Committee will be continuing its work on the formulation of an overall communications plan for the CAG. All Gowanus CAG meetings are open to the public.

At its March, 2016 general meeting, the Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group passed the following resolution, originally proposed by the CAG’s Land Use Committee, on the proposed siting of the retention tank, head house, and related facilities at the north end of the Gowanus Canal.

Whereas the United States Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] and the New York City Department of Environmental Protection [DEP] are currently discussing the siting of a retention tank, head house, and related facilities [the Facilities] at one or more of the following properties: 234 Butler Street, 242 Nevins Street, the Thomas Greene Park, or other directly adjacent properties;

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Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group Meeting
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Mary Star of the Sea Senior Apartments, 41 1st Street, Carroll Gardens

EPA Update

The EPA was not present at the meeting. No decision yet as to siting of the CSO retention tanks.

CAG Status and Decisions to Date

Doug Sarno reviewed the CAG strategic decisions made to date.

Facilitation Team

The Facilitation Committee will meet once a month for half an hour before the start of the general meeting. The main job is to help set the agenda by making sure all committees’ issues are brought to the table. The Facilitation Committee will review the draft agenda and make decisions about shifting meetings and canceling as necessary. When posting on the website is not clear cut, they will make decisions about how that will work. Each committee will have a liaison to the Facilitation Committee.


The charter says that all members must belong to at least one committee; attendance rules for committees are the same as full meeting rules but committees have more flexibility in enforcing them. We need to get all meetings on a regular schedule for 2016.

The Real Estate committee has been renamed the Land Use committee, so we now have four operating committees, along with the Admin committee.

CAG Member: You want as much participation on a committee as you can get so if you pick one day, you’re excluding people.

CAG Member: Why do some people feel they have to be on multiple committees? It’s a sign of distrust. Committees should keep the same date for meetings for consistency.

CAG Member: We need to have a calendar of all committee meetings for 2016 so that meetings don’t get moved around all the time.

Doug pointed out that a shared night could potentially serve two committees. We can reserve one room for one night to accommodate multiple committees to be more efficient.

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Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group Meeting
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
P.S. 58 Auditorium, 330 Smith Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231

EPA Update

Report from Walter Mugdan, Director, Emergency and Remedial Response Division, EPA Region 2

  • EPA expects to have a decision on the tanks location in the February/March timeframe
  • Two CSO retention tanks are required by the ROD. The city was under obligation to come up with a siting study and submit to EPA by June 30, 2015.
    • The two top-rated sites are Thomas Greene Park (swimming pool) and the head of canal location, which consists of the two parcels on the east side of the canal, each assigned a roman numeral by the ROD: VI, VII
    • The city proposed the canal-side site, but the ROD selected the park site due to easier site acquisition, permitting, and construction costs
    • The park site is a major source of coal tar contamination. The pool will have to be dismantled (and an interim pool provided) to allow cleanup.
    • NYS DEC issued ROD for the Fulton MGP site, directly under the swimming pool.

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The Gowanus CAG Outreach Committee met on, Wednesday, March 16, 2016, with discussion focused on development of the CAG’s Communications Plan.

CAG Members present: Sabine Aronowsky, Michelle de la Uz, Rafael Gomez de Luna, Katia Kelly, Eric McClure, Maria Pagano, Maryann Young

Guests: April Dubison, National Grid


All third-party articles have been removed from the CAG homepage.  In order to keep the site fresh, however, it’s important for the CAG to generate as much original content as possible.

All minutes through September have been posted to the site.  Still awaiting October, December and January minutes, and February minutes will be reviewed and approved at the March CAG meeting.

There are two or three resolutions in the works at the Committee level, and once approved, they will be posted to the website.  All future posts of resolutions should include a link to previously passed CAG resolutions for easy reference.

The Committee discussed some Facilitation Team exchanges about posting relevant news articles to the website, but doing so would likely necessitate a burdensome site redesign.  If someone would like to take on that responsibility, that would be great, but it would be simpler to explore alternatives to a full redesign, at least in the near term.

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The Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group (CAG) has eight general meetings planned during the remainder of 2016. Join us for updates on the progress of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Superfund cleanup of the canal. Planned meeting dates are as follows:

-March 29
-April 26
-May 24
-June 28
-July 26
-September 27
-October 25
-November 29

There are no full CAG meetings planned for August or December.

CAG general meetings take place at the Mary Star of the Sea residences, at 41 1st Street in Carroll Gardens. All CAG meetings, including Committee meetings, are open to the public.

Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group Meeting
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
41 1st Street, Brooklyn NY 11231, Mary Star of the Sea, Community Room


Report from Christos Tsiamis, EPA Project Manager for the Gowanus Canal Cleanup

A meeting was held between the EPA, Congresswoman Velazquez, and concerned community members on Tuesday, September 15th to address the location of the retention tanks in the northern section of the canal. The ROD suggests that the Thomas Greene Park and Douglas and Degraw Pool site are potential locations for the storm water retention tanks.

The meeting was attended by Congresswoman Velazquez, Dan Wiley, other elected officials including Council Members Lander and Levin and staff, Assemblywoman Simon, State Senator Montgomery, Sabine Aronowsky from the Friends of Thomas Greene Park, Michelle De La Uz from FAC, John Brown from Warren Street Houses, Theresa Davis from FUREE, Ed Tyree from Gowanus Houses, Craig Hammerman from Community Board 6, attorneys from the New York Lawyers in the Public Interest, Friends of NY Parks, Maria Pagano from the Carroll Gardens Neighborhood Association, and Andrea Parker from the Gowanus Canal Conservancy. EPA administrators and the Gowanus EPA team were also present.

Representatives of Gowanus property owners also attended this meeting, distributing a letter communicating that if there was a discussion about their properties being involved in retention tank discussions, that they should have been included.

EPA reiterated its commitment to keeping all members of the community in mind when it comes to getting things done in the Gowanus neighborhood. The EPA has also made a commitment with regard to an accelerated timeline in getting the cleanup process done, and they intend to keep this promise and will make the decisions necessary. Balancing these considerations is an ongoing process. Read more »

Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group Meeting
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
41 1st Street, Brooklyn NY 11231, Mary Star of the Sea, Community Room


Bayside has entered into a bulkhead repair order. Harrison Fuel has entered into an “ability to pay” settlement. Natalie will be presenting on “Gowanus Canal: A Study In Community Involvement” at an upcoming conference, where CAG member Joseph Alexiou will also present.

In terms of the EPA decision regarding the location of the storm water retention tanks, the timeline remains general: late summer/early fall is the current projected timeframe for a decision.

National Grid also encourages the public to visit the website [note: the CAG makes no representation as to the accuracy of information contained on the linked website] which has up-to-date information regarding design work in the canal. Read more »