Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group Resolution regarding Gowanus Neighborhood Rezoning and Zero Increase in CSOs

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…SO past the levels the City is already required to meet. 1 NYC DEP https://www1.nyc.gov/html/dep/pdf/cso_long_term_control_plan/gowanus-canal-fact-sheet.pdf Additionally, construction of the CSO infrastructure required under the Superfund will not be completed until 2030 by the City’s estimate. If the City’s mitigation strategy is to enlarge this infrastructure, it is unacceptable for the Proposed Actions to increase CSO before the mitigation is i…

Minutes of the May 13, 2016 Outreach Committee Meeting

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…808/) on the CAG’s home page. Posting of a link to the CAG’s YouTube page (www.youtube.com/user/GowanusCanalCAG) on the CAG’s home page. Eric reported that he had issued invitations to the Google Group to CAG members, activated the Twitter feed, and had posted the links to the Facebook and YouTube pages. As agreed, the links to the EPA’s Gowanus Superfund Facebook page and the CAG’s YouTube page contain the following disclaimer: “The contents of t…

NYS DEC Invites Public Comment About Proposal to Address Contamination at Brownfield Site on Huntington Street, Brooklyn

Posted by & filed under Fact Sheets, Frontpage, NYS DEC, Remediation Work, Upland Sites.

…not pose a significant threat to public health or the environment. How to Comment: NYSDEC is accepting written comments about the proposed plan, called a “Draft Remedial Action Work Plan,” through April 23, 2022. You can access the Draft Remedial Action Work Plan and supporting documents here: https://www.dec.ny.gov/data/DecDocs/C224314/. The site is located as indicated in the map below. You can download a fact sheet about the proposed project h…

Minutes of the May 4, 2020 Meeting of the Gowanus Canal CAG Water Quality/Technical Committee

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…around this topic were also distributed among committee members:  https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2020/05/03/can-covid-19-coronavirus-live-in-water-what-about-drinking-water-and-swimming/#60d8f5614360 https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/php/water.html Brooklyn Greenway Proposal, including temporary connector over the Gowanus Canal: This topic was brought to the committee for discussion but members decided that relevance to water quali…

Minutes of March 16, 2016 Outreach Committee Meeting

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…d house and one without. Those videos were posted to the CAG YouTube page (www.youtube.com/gowanuscanalcag), but there was disagreement among the full CAG about the content (for example, there’s no disclaimer about DEP Commissioner Emily Lloyd’s point of view not necessarily being that of the CAG). There was agreement among Committee members that the video tours represent valuable information, but that the video should be amended with a disclaimer…

Minutes of April 14, 2016 Outreach Committee Meeting

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…eting to approve adding a link on the home page to the CAG’s YouTube page (www.youtube.com/user/GowanusCanalCAG). That link would also include a disclaimer about the content of video posted to the website. The Committee also agreed that any videos posted to the YouTube page should include a video supertitle at the beginning of each video with the disclaimer language. Maryann reminded the Committee that alternates of Outreach Committee organization…

Trustees Release Draft Natural Resource Damage Assessment Plan for Gowanus Canal Superfund Site

Posted by & filed under Frontpage, Natural Resource Damage Assessment, NYS DEC.

…s on Gowanus Canal natural resources and resource services.” The plan will guide the Trustees in seeking monetary damages from the potentially responsible parties (PRPs, the entities held liable for the contamination of the canal) for the restoration of natural resources and resource services resulting from the contamination of the canal, and compensating the public for interim losses until restoration. The plan describes the Trustees’ “proposed a…

New York City releases final NYC Stormwater Management Program Plan

Posted by & filed under CSOs, Frontpage, LTCP, NYC DEP, Sewers.

…agement Program Plan to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. The Plan is intended to guide the continued improvement of the health of New York Harbor. The Plan is the City’s first comprehensive effort to reduce pollution in stormwater runoff in areas served by the municipal separate storm sewer system. Click the image to view a PDF version of the full report….

Minutes of the January 16, 2020 Meeting of the Gowanus Canal CAG Outreach Committee

Posted by & filed under Committee Meetings, Frontpage, Outreach.

…here are they now? Re-interview community members 10 years later: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKV0VDTFYR4;  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rc3F_bElDq0) Social Media In-the-moment videos (a 60-second interview) Tweets Press event at the Canal Potential locations include the Lowes parking lot where we announced the 2013 ROD; street end at the head of the canal overlooking the cutoff wall  Local school involvement Youth storytelling Art contest…