Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group Resolution Requesting Independent Consultation Regarding Preservation of the Gowanus Station Building at 234 Butler Street

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…nsultation regarding the proposed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between June of 2018 and February, 2019. The original resolution was drafted by the CAG’s Archaeology Committee. You can download a copy of the full resolution here: Gowanus CAG Resolution_234 Butler_5.28.19….

NYSDEC Announces Start of Cleanup of former Citizens Manufactured Gas Plant; Public Open House Scheduled for June 13 at 7 p.m.

Posted by & filed under Frontpage, Manufactured Gas Plants, NYS DEC, Public Meeting, Remediation Work, Upland Sites.

…eet, also known as Public Place, will begin in June. The project should be completed in less than two years, with work being performed by contractors on behalf of National Grid, with supervision by NYSDEC. NYSDEC will host a public discussion about the cleanup activities prior to the start of work. You can drop in any time during the session to ask questions and discuss the project. Details are as follows: Thursday, June 13th 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m…

Public Scoping Meeting on Gowanus Neighborhood Rezoning, Thursday, April 25th, 4:00 p.m.

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…of Middle School (M.S.) 51 at 350 5th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11215. Written comments will be accepted by the Department of City Planning until the close of business on Monday, May 27, 2019. Copies of the Draft Scope of Work and the Environmental Assessment Statement may be obtained from the Environmental Assessment and Review Division, New York City Department of City Planning, 120 Broadway, 31st Floor, New York, NY 10271, Olga Abinader, Acting Dir…

Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group Resolution on Protecting Historic S.W. Bowne Grain Storehouse and Preventing Navigational Hazards from Impacting the Cleanup

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…wanus Canal. These hazards could limit the ability of vessels associated with the superfund cleanup from accessing the Canal as needed. The original resolution was drafted by the CAG’s Land Use Committee. You can download a copy of the full resolution, including relevant background information, here: Gowanus CAG Resolution 012219 Bowne Storehouse FINAL….

Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group Resolution on Preservation of Water Supply Distribution Building at 234 Butler Street

Posted by & filed under Archaeology, CSOs, Frontpage, Resolutions.

…sed that the Gowanus Station building is irreplaceable, is of value to the community, and the full 2-story structure that comprises the Station at the corner of Butler and Nevins must be maintained in its entirety. The Gowanus CAG reserves its rights to provide EPA and DEP with further input regarding the proposed Head-of-Canal CSO tank site, including as to mitigation should the agencies disregard the wishes of the CAG as set forth in this resolu…

Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group Resolution on the Need for a Programmatic Agreement for Preservation of Archaeological Artifacts Salvaged from the 4th Street Turning Basin

Posted by & filed under Archaeology, Frontpage, Resolutions, Uncategorized.

…artifacts discovered in the future in the Gowanus Canal Corridor during the remainder of the Gowanus Canal Superfund cleanup. The original resolution was drafted by the CAG’s Archaeology Committee. You can download a copy of the full resolution, including relevant background information, here: Gowanus CAG Resolution 012219 Artifacts….

Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group Resolution on Safe Emergency Access to, and Egress from, the Gowanus Canal

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…s Canal as part of its oversight of bulkhead repair or replacement under the Gowanus Canal Superfund Site Record of Decision. The original resolution was drafted by the CAG’s Land Use Committee. You can download a copy of the full resolution, including relevant background information, here: CAG_181023_SafeAccess_Resolution….

Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group Resolution on a Community Visioning Process at the North End of the Gowanus Canal

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…nal Community Advisory Group passed the following resolution calling for a comprehensive community visioning process for the future of the head-end of the Gowanus Canal. The resolution, addressed to local City Council Member Stephen Levin and Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, reads as follows: Resolved, the Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group (CAG) requests that our elected officials, city agencies, and community representatives immediatel…