Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group Resolution Regarding Support for EPA Gowanus Superfund Team

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…fund cleanup. The resolution reads as follows: Resolved: The Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group (CAG) strongly supports Walter Mugdan and his Superfund Cleanup Team, Christos Tsiamis, Brian Carr and Natalie Loney for their excellent work in providing the best solution for the remediation of the Gowanus Canal and adjacent sources of contamination. In addition, the CAG appreciates the clarity that Mr. Tsiamis provided in our December 1st General…

Gowanus Canal Superfund Cleanup Community Update #4

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…Contractors working under the supervision of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) expect to complete the dredging of the northern portion of the Gowanus Canal by the end of 2022, in preparation for installation of a multi-layered protective cap over the canal bottom. Read about this work, and other news, in the EPA’s Community Update #4, embedded below and available as a PDF here. Para obtener una versión en español, haga clic aquí….

Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group Resolution Demanding Construction Oversight and Communication

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…notice of pending construction was received by any elected officials, EPA, Community Board 6, or the community from any agency or entity. The public deserves to know when any aspect of construction is taking place in an environmentally fragile area—particularly a highly toxic marshland full of coal tar which spreads in every direction through the site—and what oversight measures have been made to protect them from the toxicity at the site. This co…

Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group Resolution Requesting NYCDEP Cooperation with EPA Mandates on Sewer Separation

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…d the permit application and directed the developer to instead construct a combined system, which adds both new sanitary and street-end stormwater volumes to the constrained combined sewer main capacity. The CAG requests that DEP cooperate with EPA and work with them to implement the recent separated street stormwater plans submitted by the developer at the Huntington Street End site as well as implementing solutions for direct discharge on simila…

Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group Resolution in Support of EPA Letter Regarding Gowanus Superfund ROD and Gowanus Rezoning

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…nus Rezoning. The resolution reads as follows: Resolved: The Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group (CAG) strongly supports the position EPA states in its October 27th letter to the NYC DEP and NYC DCP regarding the proposed rezoning of the land surrounding the banks of Gowanus Canal, “that any rezoning impacting the Canal must proceed in a manner that is protective of human health and the environment, as envisioned in EPA’s Canal remedy” and affi…

Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group Resolution Regarding Changes to the Planned Remediation of Public Place

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…ting the surrounding neighborhood and the Gowanus Canal. The Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group (CAG) strongly recommends that any clean up of Public Place prioritize the health and safety of the area’s present and future residents and aquatic life in the Gowanus Canal. Be it further Resolved: Since Public Place was and continues to be a major source of contamination to the Gowanus Canal, the Gowanus Canal Advisory Group requests that the EPA…

EPA Notifies Gowanus-Area Property Owners of Planned Plugging of Unpermitted Outfall Pipes

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…PA Assistant Regional Counsel Brian Carr to unnamed property owners, was accompanied by maps and a table indicating the locations of the outfalls that will be plugged. The letter asks the property owners to contact EPA regarding the outfalls. See a PDF version of the letter here. See maps of the unpermitted outfall locations between the head of the canal and Union Street Bridge and the Union Street and Carroll Street Bridges. See a table of all un…

Minutes of the November 9, 2018 Meeting of the Gowanus Canal CAG Outreach Committee

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…no development positions, looking for common ground, and potentially, a recommendation for a Community Benefits Agreement. Jordan Heiden from the Gowanus Canal Conservancy sitting in for Christine. Future of the Outreach Committee Mission is to inform the larger community about what’s going on with the Canal cleanup. Encouraging organizational members to publicize CAG meetings and activities, especially for important meetings, like November (Pete…