Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group Resolution Requesting NYC DEP Public Engagement Regarding Mid-Canal CSO Tank Design

Posted by & filed under CSOs, Frontpage, NYC DEP, Resolutions.

…d at the Salt Lot near the mid-point of the Gowanus Canal, and incorporate community feedback, prior to finalization of the designs and submission to the Public Design Commission. The CAG requests that EPA require DEP to present designs for the overall site plan and design for the OH-007 CSO tank to the CAG for comment and input prior to finalization of the designs and prior to submission to the Public Design Commission. Background: Given the size…

Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group Resolution in Support of EPA’s Administrative Order of March 29, 2021

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…EPA’s Administrative Order includes the construction and operation of two Combined Sewer Overflow (“CSO”) retention tanks (“CSO Tanks”) to control contaminated solid discharges and requests to assure compliance with the Clean Water Act.” Without meeting these critical infrastructure requirements there will be an adverse impact on EPA’s Superfund remedy, as well as the health and safety of current and future residents of the Gowanus Canal and neig…

NYS DEC/DOH Community Availability Session on Soil Vapor Intrusion, Thursday, September 19, 7 p.m.

Posted by & filed under NYS DEC, Public Meeting, Upland Sites.

…artment of Environmental Conservation and Department of Health will hold a Community Availability Session on the Gowanus Canal Area-Wide Soil Vapor Intrusion Investigation on Thursday, September 19, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., at PS 372, 215 1st Street in Gowanus. During the session, DEC and DOH will present a summary of their 2023/2024 heating season sampling, and a preview of their monitoring plans for the 2024/2025 winter heating season. In addition…

Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group Resolution Asks EPA to Include Former Citizens Manufactured Gas Plant Site within Purview of Gowanus Superfund Cleanup

Posted by & filed under Frontpage, Land Use, Remediation Work, Resolutions, Upland Sites.

…o the site’s Parcel 4. The resolution reads as follows: Background: It has come to the Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group’s (CAG) attention that National Grid and NYSDEC (DEC) have not been able to gain access to Parcel 4 (Bklyn Block 468, Lot 25) of the former Citizens MGP Works site for several years because the property owner refuses to allow access to the property. This prevents National Grid and DEC from performing sampling of the existin…

Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group Resolution Requesting EPA’s Assistance in Requiring NYSDEC and NYCDEP to Change the Water Classification of the Gowanus Canal

Posted by & filed under Frontpage, NYC DEP, NYS DEC, Resolutions.

…he CAG’s “Reclass Petition” dated 2/4/2020.” Background: The Gowanus Canal Community has been advocating for the reclassification of the Gowanus Canal waterway since the NYCDEP 2002 communities participation in the DEP Use Standards and Attainment study. After the formation of the EPA Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group (CAG), the CAG passed its first resolution, formally requesting reclassification of the Gowanus Canal Water Quality Standard….

Next Gowanus Canal Community Advisory Group General Meeting: Tuesday, July 23, 6:30 p.m.

Posted by & filed under EPA Updates, Frontpage, General Meetings.

…Administrative Committee Archaeology and Historic Preservation Committee Land Use Committee Outreach Committee Water Quality/Technical Committee 8:30 p.m.: Adjourn Guests are always welcome to comment and ask questions using the chat function. All Gowanus CAG meetings are open to the public, unless specifically noted otherwise….